Thursday, January 15, 2009

Band names (Free to a good home)

Band names
Current mood: artistic

I have a cold, and am kinda bored, so i'm going to post a list of band names that i am continuously thinking of, since i think bands these days show a real lack of creativity in choosing the very name for the band they want to make recognized. I'm not saying mine are the best in the world, but at least they are original. Here it goes.

pillsbury combustion
grapefruit war helmet
jazzily estranged
S&M bandits
Funeral cake candle blowers
Minefield volunteer test subjects
Halibut erupting in powdered energy sludge(herpes)
The oil paintings
ice skate meat cutters
technicolored newspaper movement
numerical soup
the liquid protest
Advent Atlantis
agents of orange
shopping cart crop circle
architects of flan
digital flange
16th century cellphone
kangaroo bone pogo

the redundant ferris wheel
wind mill decapitation
four score
plastic sandwich invasion
LSD rain
6 horsemen of the nunchakulypse
bungie jump instructors
catatonic insomnia

pepperspray squirtgun
narcoleptic driving instructors
salmon spawn